Dr Eirik G.Janshon is anthropologist. After Years Research He Wrote Books based one Bangladeshi Rural Culture I attend on of his Seminar . In the Seminar He deliver his talk about his Research in Bangladeshi Village. He talk about some macro factors that He think After observing great changes have been occurred that particular village he worked. He came Bangladesh in 1970 ‘s . He worked with Bangladesh institute of developing studies from 1976 to 1978 its also 1980. Mostly he did quality research. He was assign to go Manikganj .He lived in village long period infect he live with families in Bangladesh . He passed 1 to 1 and half year in villages . He live life like as village people. 1976 its expect so tough to go village is pretty much difficult from present time. Poverty depends on how much land you own .90% of people that time was dependent on agriculture village he stayed in he name that village vhaimara. Its had 300 to 310 people live that village and 1/3rd people of that village was landless .they small land which was not sufficient to grow food for family. They worked as a sharecropping contact. Landless people work 13 days in months on other land to survive except the harvest season. They beg for sharecropping Contact to landholder. In harvest time they had one meats or two meats a day. Sometimes they remain hungry. In Poor village family man had two or one lungi and women had one sari. He record everything in a notebook. 1977 he was doing interviewed with a women she was very poor. she has a small baby in her arm. She was in front him and he was suppose to ask question to the lady. After answered she is landless and she has husband who have no job .after some question after while she said please stop stop I am not able to answered your question because I am hungry, my baby is seek and I am not been eating for some days.
That time if they work other land for 10 hour they got 56 tk which Is equal to 1 kilogram rice .which is very little for a family For feeding themselves the have to sold their little land or they have took up loans for feeding themselves. He described each an each economic statistics of households how poverty destroying them. There income is always less then their expenditure .This 5 Case studies latter he wrote 60-70 pages to presenting the case studies. He left village in 1980.
In world 25 to 30 country had Developing program in Bangladesh 1970 and 1980 . Before 2009 he visited to village few times because His daughter was twenty two years old his daughter work on Grameen bank as a trainee. But that time he didn’t marked any major changes .Again He Revisited village with his family in 2009 and he saw so many thing has been changed occurred . so many transport on road like Rickshaw, Baby texis ,trucks , bus, cars. He noticed everybody using mobile phone to communication with each other. Some of them are working out side the country. He met with the lady which he interviewed then poor lady recognized him and said him you are guy who came to interviewed me when I was poor. Women now have her own shop in a village. In her house he have television fan and furniture. He said this is fantastic. Now 30% people are dependent on agriculture . There house is much better and their sanitary is much good then before. Now they can demand thing from market. They are eating chicken regular and they have much food to eat. Some of them are owned land . Many of them Jobs outside of agriculture. Some of them are doing low level government job. Now days Bangladesh earn 15 million us dollars per year . during 1970 they have 1 million dollar per year .Late 1970 Annual agriculture production is 10 million to 13 million now it increased 3 times then that time now it 45 million . Population Increased. Bangladesh now Sending 10 million people to aboard to work there and sending money every year. They can also communicate daily by mobile phone form aboard to village. There are School in a village and not only boys but also girls are went to school and there are women teacher in school .In 1970 95% primary passed now it has increased and they are now attending Secondary Education program. In the village they also have their own vaccination program Now.
In village Everything is Developed .People are independent now. In this 35 year rapidly economically changed occurred in Village.
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